TRANSLATION AGENCY over 18 years experience


over 18 years experience

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Website and Web Content Localization

Meeting the linguistic, cultural and functional expectations of visitors

traduzione sito web, localizzazione sito

Cultural adaptation of your digital content

Localization is the semiotic-linguistic phase following the translation process. The original message is framed in a completely new linguistic and cultural background. We no longer limit ourselves to translation tout court but move on to adapting content according to the local customs of a target country. With Lipsie agency, the combined action between qualified native translators, copywriters, SEO specialists and web designers generates complete content that conforms to the socio-cultural prerogatives of each country.

Localization for each type of website

Locating your website, be it Corporate (used to introduce and describe yourself), Portfolio (online catalog of works and projects), Corporate Blog (online magazine with the function of boosting the related Corporate website), Landing page (landing page ideal for converting visitors into leads), E-commerce (for the sale of products and services online), is a strategic investment that allows you to expand your market prospects. In addition, each website can consist of different types of content: marketing, technical, legal, editorial, descriptive, training, e-commerce, etc. pages. To achieve a high degree of profitability, you need to rely on a competent provider, able to process each site and content through appropriate translation and localization processes. Our linguistic services preserve the functions of the original site intact in every renewed linguistic and cultural context.

Localization and translation: how are they distinguished?

Website translation is an optimized language 'conversion'. A translation focuses only on the linguistic aspect of the texts. It concerns the transposition of a content from one language to another which, thanks to the editing service, becomes more elegant by dissipating every trace of the original language version. Website localization can be seen as the 'tuning' of content to the user's expectations. To ensure a quality customer experience, the LIPSIE localization service adapts the message to the cultural, functional and linguistic expectations of international markets.

What should be located

Both multinational companies and SMEs use localization services with the aim of expanding and consolidating their presence on foreign markets. But in a more general sense, the texts that are addressed to users to involve them, help them, retain them cannot be separated from localization. Localization is most successful in publishing publications, communication, advertising, marketing, software solutions, apps, and websites. Localization gives the translator greater freedom of action, but at the same time, it implies deep skills and interpretative skills.

The combination of User Experience and Localization

User Experience (UX) is a level of lived experience that describes the entire process of interaction between visitor of a website and the website itself. The localization of a website optimizes the Customer Experience (CX), making the content usable and in tune with the user. A perfect localization optimizes the user experience and makes the website a successful tool, taking care of the linguistic nuances, the economic, cultural and social connections of the target concerned.

Localization as a key factor in the purchase decision

Translating a website makes it easier to understand the content, increasing the user's trust and their conversion rate to purchase. On the Web, localizing means offering a more complete, personal, and enjoyable experience to users. To locate a site it is not enough to use correct and captivating phraseology. The user's expectations must be met on different levels, for example graphic appeal, references to the time zone, the currency used, the equivalence between measurement systems, the appropriate idiomatic phrases and legislative compliance. The localization process does not only adapt the contents, but also the aesthetic-sensory aspects of the site (layout, animations, video content, use of color codes that convey the attitudes of visitors, audio jingles, etc.). As a result, each visitor will recognize elements, concepts and content familiar to him/her and will therefore be willing to continue browsing and most likely, to buy or request a quotation.

Quality localized content for all international markets

If you wish to aim for a foreign market, you have to use those who know its users and their customs and traditions. The LIPSIE agency prepares a linguistic adaptation for each content, paying the utmost attention to local peculiarities. For this reason, localization projects should only be assigned to mother-tongue, trained translators with direct industry experience.