Promotion of books

With Lipsie Publishing you always purchase copyright-free translations. Plus, you can benefit from our experience since 2013 in e-book promotion.

Refine the translation and promotion of your digital book according to the requirements of your potential readers

Always considering that the first factor that determines the success of your book abroad is the quality of its translation, our editorial translation staff has decided to integrate the feedback of a representative sample of readers into the Lipsie Publishing promotional pack, before launching your book in a foreign language version. It is certainly important to choose an editorial translation agency that gives added value to your book. Thanks to the Lipsie Publishing service, authors of books receive the following important benefits:

Translating and creating the author's Social Media KIT

The self-publishing market, which is currently very competitive, urges authors to implement an effective promotion strategy. Our literary translation agency assists authors in the implementation of their promotional campaigns, translating and adapting their Social Media kit in each target language. The Lipsie Publishing translation and adaptation service includes:

Free promotional videos from your book

The audiovisual team of the Lipsie translation agency supports authors in the promotion of their works with practical and free activities. After your book is translated, you can get the following two promotional teasers for free. You will be able to incorporate the cover, spine and back cover of your book, customise the supers and choose another soundtrack.

After having translated your book with our agency, you will receive a storyboard in which you can insert your texts, being careful to keep the same sizes on each screen.
As well as the personalised storyboard you must send us the 3 files the 3D animation of your book is composed of (cover, textblock spine, and back cover) and possibly a background photo, always of your choice. Thanks to these elements we will create a teaser for you with a musical accompaniment that you can choose from the 3 songs that will be proposed to you.

Once the book has been launched and the first data and comments have been obtained (about 5-6 weeks after its launch), we will start with the creation of your second teaser. A promotional video designed for the second phase of its campaign. The process to create it will be identical to the previous one.

Optimisation of the translation of the title, cover texts and metadata

Whether the translation of your eBook is published exclusively or not exclusively (KDP Select promotion program) on Amazon, it is essential to optimise the translations of the title texts on the cover and the metadata to obtain effective spontaneous indexing on Amazon and other platforms.

Our editorial translators have learned, working with us, some of the key elements related to the indexing and promotion of a text (spontaneous indexing factors, active federation of fans on social networks, and more). All this to always identify the “right translation”, ensuring the right balance between a translation that is attractive to your readers and a translation optimised for its promotion on the different platforms, in particular, Amazon.

Indexing on Amazon and other online sales platforms

The following are the metadata taken into account in the translation of your eBook:

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